Sarcoptic mites (Acari, Sarcoptidae) parasitizing the brown rat Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout, 1769) (Rodentia, Muridae), with a new data for the fauna of Poland
Joanna N. Izdebska, Leszek Rolbiecki
Original paper: pp 125-128
The occurrence of Demodex spp. (Acari, Demodecidae) in the bank vole Myodes glareolus (Rodentia, Cricetidae) with data on its topographical preferences
Joanna N. Izdebska, Paulina Kozina, Aleksandra Gólcz
Original paper: pp 129-133
New records of nematodes of passerine migratory birds
Anna Okulewicz
Original paper: pp 135-138
Preliminary analysis of ectoparasites of the sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus (Mitchill, 1815) originating from different water habitats
Renata Popielarczyk, Ryszard Kolman
Original paper: pp 139-141
Treatment of scabies, permethrin 5% cream vs. crotamiton 10% cream
Abolfazl Pourhasan, Mohamad Goldust, Elham Rezaee
Original paper: pp 143-147