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Occurrence of helminths in shrews and small rodents on territories transformed by reclamation


  • Vladimir Vasilievich Shimalov Brest State University, Boulevard of Cosmonauts 21, 224665 Brest, Belarus



helminths, shrews, rodents, drainage channel banks, Brest Polesie, Belarus


Shrews and small rodents inhabit the drainage channel banks in reclai med areas and have their own helminth complex. The aim of the study is to conduct the 3rd research period during 2015–2019 the helminth fauna of these animals living on the drainage channel banks of model reclamation systems in Brest Polesie (south-western part of Belarus), to establish the species composition of helminths and the animal infection by these, and to compare the data obtained with previous research periods. 4,000 trap-days were worked out. 151 specimens of shrews of 4 species and 510 small rodents of 8 species were caught. Animals were examined by the method of complete helminthological dissections. Their numbers were 3.78 and 12.75 individuals per 100 trap-days, and helminth infection was 94.7% and 65.9%, respectively. 66 helminth species were found in animals. The dominant helminth species in infection have been identified. The trematode Prosolecithus danubica Tkach et Bray, 1995 (definitive host: common shrew), the acanthocephalans Centhrorhynchus aluconis (Müller, 1780) (larval host: lesser shrew) and Moniliformis moniliformis (Bremser, 1811) (definitive host: striped field mouse) are new species of helminths for Belarus. New hosts in Belarus have been found for 6 helminth species. Shrews and small rodents are involved in the life cycles of bird, non-ruminant artiodactyl and carnivorous mammal helminths. Nine helminth species have significance for medicine and 7 species for veterinary science. The results are compared with data from the 1st (1996–1999) and 2nd (2005–2010) research periods.


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How to Cite

Shimalov, V. V. (2024). Occurrence of helminths in shrews and small rodents on territories transformed by reclamation . Annals of Parasitology, 70(1), 00–00.



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